Sunday Morning

10:30 am Morning Worship Service

Ephesians 6:10 "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."

Everyone has a destiny. Everyone has a plan specific for their life. We endeavor to connect people with their destiny - for when that person begins to walk that path, a supernatural grace is unlocked that empowers them to do beyond what they are normally capable of doing. 

Our heart is to start you on this path and walk alongside you giving you encouragement, support and resources to live out your calling!

Sunday School

*These classes are currently on hiatus for the summer - stay tuned for Fall Updates!*

Join us at 9:00am Sunday Mornings for our Sunday School Class

~Current Series~


by Dustin Harper

Directly following Sunday School we invite you for a time of prayer!


Join us at 9:45am Sunday Mornings for Prayer!

Prayer is the means God uses to accomplish His will on Earth.

Come with:

  • Expectation
  • Praise and thanksgiving
  • Requests for healing and provision
  • Desire for God's will
  • Passion for the church, the community and the region
  • Desire to see God work in your family, friends and neighbors. 

Can't make it to prayer - but have a request? 

We'd love to pray with you and for you. Fill out this form!

Sometimes it takes one prayer to change everything!

impact kids

Impact Kids Age Groups:

Nursery Infants and Toddles up to Age 3

Pre-K - 3rd Grade

4th Grade  - 6th Grade

Begins directly following worship

*During the summer we are only having Impact Kids upstairs for our Pre-K - 3rd Graders. We have activity books available for the kids staying in the service, available in the Communications Center*

Parents with children up to age 3 are welcome to utilize our nursery. We have it staffed beginning after our morning worship through the end of the service. We ask that parents be the ones to drop off and promptly pick up your child.

Your child will have to opportunity to participate in a short age appropriate lesson each week, along with a safe space for them to play and interact with our volunteers. 

Kid's Church begins directly following Morning Worship. All children PreK4 through 6th Grade are welcome to join us upstairs at this time. Our classes are divided up into two ages groups; PreK4 - 3rd Grade and 4th - 6th Grade. Classrooms are marked accordingly.

For our two school aged classes we are currently working through the Answers Bible Curriculum. . 

We begin Unit 10 on April 14th. Beginning this Unit we will be in 1 & 2 Kings. We will learn about some of the warnings and instructions God gave to Israel. We will go over some of the minor prophets in the Old Testament, learning about Elijah, Elisha, Amon, Hosea, and Jonah. This Unit will conclude with teaching about Israel being conquered by Assyria. We will talk about the importance of worshipping God and  letting Him be in control of our lives. WE will discuss topics of faith in God and obedience to the things he asks us to do, as well as the miraculous things he does in our life when we recognize that he is God.

We are excited to dig deep into this part of the Bible  and continue to build that foundation of faith on which our kids will stand on for the remainder of their lives

Memory Verses:

But one things I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:13-14

My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord reproves him whom he love, as a father the son in whom he delights. 

Proverbs 3:11-12